Two Stories Project
This project is about children under compression in two far but somehow similar areas in Syria and Hungary.
The main idea is to help children through art at one stage in the future. It’s a long journey and for me, I consider this project as a start or important step in the right way because it’s very related to my artistic and even theoretical work.
Two Stories from the folklore of Hungary and Syria will be read by art teachers in Syria and Hungary, and each child will choose one scene he or she preferred.
I choose a story from the Syrian folk collection I thought that it can represent the children there and a specialist will translate it into Hungarian
With the help of Prof. István Bodóczky (artist and art educator) and Ms. Geisbühl Tünde (art teacher) we chose a Hungarian story and translate it into English, then I translate it to my language.
I offered these two stories to children from both countries with the supervision of art teachers (in Hungary these stories presented to about 200 children from different areas. To accomplish that I had connected with two Hungarian partners (Real Pearl organization, Igazgyöngy) a very well-known organization here in Hungary which work with poor children and try to use the art as a healing method, also we were contacted with Ms. Tünde Geisbühl who works as an art teacher at Csepel, Budapest. We have finished the work in Hungary)
Children were from Budapest, Csepel and many villages and towns in eastern Hungary: Berettyoujfalu, Komádi, Magyarhomorog, Körösszakál, Körösszegapáti, Biharkeresztes. Tanoda.
In Syria, I collaborated with four partners. in Sawida city (which is relatively far from war) a Government school, and a private art teacher in a poor area. In Damascus an art private school in a rich area. In Damascus suburbs with voluntary art teachers at one of the immigrant camps. Total of 400 work will be send from Syria (they finished the works but still waiting for collecting everything together)