Hanan Saif
18/08/1987, Syrian
(from 09/2018- now)
Doctoral School/ The Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE)
Four years program to get the DLA degree in Fine Arts.
(09/2016 – 7/2018)
Master in Ceramic Design
Faculty of Music and Visual Arts/ Pécs University/ Hungary
Gaz fire …
(10/2010 – 8/2012)
Diploma in Art Education
Faculty of Education/ Damascus University
Teaching Techniques
Teaching principles
Teen and childhood
Measurement and Evaluation …
(09/2005 – 08/2009)
B.A in Fine Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts/ Damascus University
Mural Painting
History of Art
Many other relevant subjects
Solo Exhibition
Curator... Artus Studio (Two Stories) 2019. A project with 645 children from Syria and Hungary with involving of very famous (Real Pearl Foundation, Igazgyöngy) and more than another ten schools and studios.
Vármezö Galéria / October 2019. Budapest. Hungary
Collective Exhibitions
- Collective Exhibition in Norway / NORD NORGE Gallery Harstad– 02/ 2020
- Collective Exhibition in Hungary (Parallel Hungary) / AULA Gallery Budapest – 01/2020
- Collective Exhibition in the Syrian Center of Visual Arts/ Syria 10/ 2019
- Collective Exhibition in Hungary / FISE Gallery Budapest – 2018
- Collective Exhibition (Diploma Work) Pecs, Hungary- 2018
- Collective Exhibition (Syrian Aesthetical Scream )/ Sweden Kingdom (Sandviken -2018)
- Collective Exhibition in the Syrian Center of Visual Arts/ Syria 07/ 2017
- Collective Exhibition in Hungary / FISE Gallery Budapest – 2017
- Collective Exhibition in Hungary / Pécs – 2017
- Collective Exhibition in the Syrian Center of Visual Arts/ Syria. Expo 2017
- Participation in the international student festival in BME/ University of Technologies and Economics/Hungary/ Budapest- 2017
- Master’s Student Exhibition/ Arabic Culture Centre/ Abo Romana/ Damascus-2016
- The Spring Exhibition / Damascus/ Khan Assad Basha / 2015
- The Spring Exhibition / Damascus/ Khan Assad Basha / 2014
-The Spring Exhibition / Damascus/ Khan Assad Basha / 2013
- The Spring Exhibition / Damascus/ Khan Assad Basha / 2012
-The Spring Exhibition / Damascus/ Khan Assad Basha / 2011
- Participated in Betro Canada company contest/ Daar Alassad /2011
- Collective exhibition in (Home in the middle of the street) Daar Alassad 2011
- Exhibition (painting from the East) at Sweden Kingdom (Stockholm -2010)
- Collective exhibition for the works from the workshop sponsored by the first lady, Damascus- 2009
- Collective exhibition. Alfa Gallery/ Swaida- 2008
- Collective exhibition. Artists Syndicate/ Swaida- 2007
- Collective exhibition. Young Artists/ Swaida- 2007
-Workshop with the Cuban Artist Susana Pilar Budapest (2020)
-Workshop with the British Artist Jeremy Deller in Budapest (2019)
-Workshop with Real Pearl Foundation ( Igazgyöngy) in Hungary (2019)
-Workshop with many international ceramic artists in Kecskemét. (Hungary 2018)
-Workshop with many international ceramic artists in Kecskemét. (Hungary 2017)
-Workshop with artist Nizar Sabor in the Syrian Centre of Visual Arts (Painting) (Damascus 2016)
-Workshop with artist Bassem Dahdouh in the Syrian Centre of Visual Arts (Painting) (Damascus 2016)
-Workshop with sculpture Mahmoud Shaheen in the Syrian Centre of Visual Arts (Damascus 2015)
-Workshop with artist Bassem Dahdouh in the Syrian Centre of Visual Arts (Painting) (Damascus 2015)
-Workshop for supporting Gaza children (Damascus 2009)
-Workshop for supporting Aljawlan people (2009)
- Workshop by (Betro- Canada) Company (Damascus 2009)
-Workshop sponsored by (Shell) Company for faience and fretworks (Damascus 2008)
-Workshop sponsored by The First Lady last for six months (Damascus 2008)
-Participated in the Mediterranean Sea Countries Workshop (E.C.U.M.E) (Damascus 2007)